NGMC Trauma Team Activation Criteria

Level I
Trauma Surgeon’s presence required within 15 minutes of patient arrival
  • Intubated
  • Active assisted ventilation
  • Unstable airway (severe facial injuries)
  • Inability to ventilate/oxygenate
  • Sustained respiratory rate >30
  • Sucking chest wound
  • Needle Decompression
  • Sustained heart rate > 130
  • SBP:
    • Age <10 y/o: SBP < 70mmHg + (2 x age)
    • Age 10-65 y/o: SBP < 90 mmHg
    • Age >65 y/o: SBP < 100 mmHg
  • Traumatic arrest
  • Acute uncontrolled hemorrhage of any source
  • Transfer patients receiving blood or vasopressors
  • GCS < 8 with trauma mechanism
  • Amputation proximal to wrist or ankle
  • Penetrating trauma to head, neck, chest, abdomen, torso, or groin
  • Emergency physician’s discretion
  • Deterioration of previously stable patient (ED upgrade after arrival)
Level II
  • Flail chest
  • Sustained heart rate 110-130
  • GCS 9-13 with trauma mechanism
  • Open or depressed skull fracture
  • Paralysis or other focal neurological deficit
  • 2 or more proximal long bone fractures
  • Any open long bone fracture
  • Crushed, degloved, mangled, or pulseless extremity
  • Penetrating injury to extremities
  • Suspected pelvic fracture
  • Burns with mechanism attributed to trauma
  • Trauma transfer from outside hospital
Level III
  • GCS of 14 sustained
  • Arrival by helicopter
    • May be higher activation level based on clinical report
  • Falls > 20 feet for adults
  • Falls > 10 feet for children < 10 y/o
  • Ground level fall in patients >65 y/o with external signs of head trauma
  • Auto vs. pedestrian or bicyclist > 20 mph
  • Ejection from automobile
  • Separation of rider from motorcycle, personal watercraft or livestock
  • Death in same passenger compartment
  • Extensive intrusion to vehicle (>18inches)
  • MCC, ATV, bicycle crash >25 mph
  • High-speed automobile rollover (>55mph)
  • Tractor rollover or crash
  • Prolonged extrication time (< 20 minutes)
  • High energy electrical injury with burns or lightning strike
  • EMS calling a “Trauma Alert”
Patients <15 y/o meeting Level I or II Activation Criteria should be triaged to a pediatric trauma center unless trauma arrest or unstable airway.
Upgrade Trauma Activation Level by one level when a patient also has a co-morbid condition such as:
  1. cirrhosis,
  2. end stage renal disease requiring dialysis,
  3. severe cardiac or respiratory disease,
  4. history of bleeding disorder or use of anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs (excluding aspirin) or
  5. pregnancy reported to be >20 weeks.
Level III criteria applicable if patient presents < 12 hours post-injury.

*Early Notification: Advising Medical Dispatch of “Possible Trauma Activation” for a call you are responding on.

*Early Activation: Clear, concise, and accurate patient report as soon as possible so a Trauma Team will be awaiting your arrival.

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